How to Advertise on this website

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NaGSM offers the following Advertising options:

  1. Google Adwords
  2. Bidvertiser

Google Adwords

You can advertise on this website by using Google adwords site targeting tools. As an advertiser, Adwords allows you to target sites where you want to show ads. You can have your ads shown mostly on our site by simply targeting the url

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You can also advertise on NaGSM using Bidvertiser on a Pay per click basis. NaGSM offers ad options for mobile and desktop platforms. It is a Cost per click based form of advertising. The ad placements available through Bidvertiser on this site are footer ads which can be sized in 728 by 90(Desktop) and 320 by 50(mobile) formats.

Try Bidvertiser Today : Desktop Footer | Mobile Footer